Hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin has me offering up my brain to invading aliens. Attn alien celebrities! For free: one 23 year old female brain for ...
˝” but then a few minutes later my disappointment was over and ... Rather than posting the comment directly on this thread, you can posts it on your own weblog.
May 2, 2009 ˇ My favorite commercial of all time is the Pampers diapers one with the mother and baby animals and the Rod Stewart song “Forever Young ...
Last week's show opened like a horror movie and had me on the edge of my chair. ... I found myself with my jaw ... own weblog. Then have your weblog sends a ...
As expected, Gibbs declined to back down, but assures the director that he will remove himself from the case if he senses his own feelings getting in the way.
I love that there are always a few questions left unanswered in the show every week that can keep my ... own weblog. Then have your weblog sends a TrackBack ping ...
In addition, TrackBack can be used as a form of remote commenting. Rather than posting the comment directly on this thread, you can posts it on your own weblog.
Apr 26, 2009 ˇ Even though some of my friends think it's a little age inappropriate. ... my shame. All those expensive therapy bills ... own weblog. Then have your ...
Now, there is an eyeball cliffhanger two weeks in a row? I can't believe it! I am a little worried that it opened that door. That means it is someone we know! I ...
As I watch the Inauguration of Barack Obama to the Presidency, I am reminded of the meaning of his name. Barack roughly translates to "blessing." In this time ...