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The Suspicious Women of Harper's Island

It is commonly understood within the study of criminal behavior that very few women are serial killers. Despite that understanding, however, I find many of the women on Harper's Island to be quite suspect in this ongoing muder mystery. Is one of these women strong and deranged enough to kill? I think, quite possibly, the answer to that question is, 'Yes.'

Let's start with Kelly Seaver, the local whose mother was killed by John Wakefield (the same tragedy Abby faced). She finds herself trapped on the Island and desperately wants to leave–probably due to the fact that she's a bit delusional and thinks she sees John Wakefield still alive on the Island. She seems to have some strange connection with Abby, constantly and frighteningly popping out of thin air wherever Abby roams. At one point, she embarrassingly mentions to Abby that she has conversations with her in her head and even imagines living with her in Los Angeles. It's almost as if Kelly wants to get closer to Abby, to develop some sort of bond before she turns around and stabs her in the back–literally. My theory, before we discovered that Kelly committed suicide (or was murdered), was that she was the step-daughter of John Wakefield and wanted to exact revenge on Abby for Abby's father killing her only remaining parent (since John Wakefield killed Kelly's mother). Sure, it was a far-fetched theory, but we have to consider why Kelly wanted to become so close to Abby and why plot devices were used surrounding her character that made her seem so suspicious.

Now, how about Chloe? We find out in the second episode that she is “excited” by the idea of murder. As she looks over the grave of John Wakefield, she is fascinated in a seemingly visceral way by him and his killings: “He killed six people. Taking someone's life�I don't know. I just�” she says in a rather suspicious manner. We must keep this in mind as the story progresses.

To be honest, though, the most suspicious female on the show in my book is the young Madison Allen. We know she spends her time killing defenseless animals (we see her frying a slug of some kind with a magnifying glass in the first episode), which is a common behavior exhibited by serial killers when they begin to mature. Nevertheless, it's almost impossible for her to be such a strong and cunning murderer. But if such violence is genetic, we could always suspect that her mother (or father) is the killer we're after...

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 07:05:30 +0000

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