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All About Abby

This thing about people dying one by one is all about Abby...or at least that's what JD said right before he died. If all of this is really about Abby, then some people even closer to her will get hurt. I have a few candidates that would be just perfect.

First, there's Nikki. They haven't shown very much of her lately, but she's pretty much a disposable character. She only appears every so often to remind you that she's there, and she's an important friend to Abby. Losing her would just be devastating. She seems like the kind of worker that would volunteer to close up the place. Just as she is wiping a few beer mugs clean, one more customer waltzes in, pretending to be drunk. She'll tell him that the place is closed when he ignores her then splat...or bang...or whatever sound effect you prefer. The point is, she'll die.

Then there's the old flame, Jimmy. It seems like Abby just started to really reconcile with him. She realizes just how much she really cares for him, and it would be all the more terrible if something bad happened to him. He's a fisherman, so maybe he'll finally get his chance to sleep with the fishes.

And then there's daddy...except someone already got to him. That's too bad. I would have expected him to last a little bit longer. He did have that previous injury. So much for that good old police training.

Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:02:48 +0000

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