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The Plasma TV knowledge is the fluorescent light bulb. The screen is divided into cells and contained in every cell are two glass panes that are parted by a thin space where the Neon-Xenon gas is introduced and sealed in plasma form. Then the gas is stimulated by electricity at regular periods of time when you use the Plasma TV. It uses the striking of phosphors to create the image.

In the LCD TV there are two panes of polarized see-through substance; a chemical polymer is coated to keep the crystals together. Electricity is applied to the each crystal; these construe the signals from the transmitted communication to permit light throughout the plates to generate motion pictures. Like plasma TV, the fluorescent cylinders in the rear of the sheets light up the pictures.


Plasma televisions come in many sizes. But they are heavier when compared to same sized LCD TVs. Plasma TV has a better contrast ratio meaning the picture has more character and life like. You can better distinguish the colors. The colors are more truthful to the image and have deeper tones and greater saturation. All these make sure that the picture quality is better. Fast and rapid moving images are better viewed on plasma TVs.

But Plasma TVs are more prone to burn-in of still images. Plasma TV also radiate greater heat than LCDs as the light rays need to strike the phosphorous screen to generate motion pictures. They have a shorter lifetime, something from 7 to 10 years. Though recent advancements tend to increase that lifetime but you still may require regular maintenance. Plasma TVs do not work properly at very high from sea levels.

LCD televisions donߴt have burn in problem as their technology is entirely different. For the same reason we also do not have the problem of improper working at higher altitudes. As stated above LCD TVs generate lesser heat than Plasma TVs. Also as stated before, LCD TVs are lighter in comparison to Plasma TVs for the same screen size. LCD TVs also have a greater lifetime. This could be double than that of Plasma TV but it also depends environmental aspects.

But LCD has some fundamental disadvantages. LCD has a inferior contrast ratio thus the picture do look a little pale. The color depth could be an issue for very high definition motion images. The quality of the videos or images seen could be a little wishy washy. This as also why fast moving images are better viewed on plasma TVs. But this factor is improving as technology improves. LCD TVs above the size of 40” are not common. But this factor has also been addressed. Technically the individual pixels on an LCD TV do burn up. This causes small black or white spots or dots on the screen. Unfortunately each burned out pixel can be repaired and so you may have to change the complete screen altogether.LCD TVs are also more expensive than Plasma TVs when you compare their both same sized TV screens.

Sun, 10 May 2009 11:16:25 +0000

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