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LED Television vs. LCD Television - what's all the noise about?

Of late many Notebook, PC display and TV manufacturers such as Sony, Dell, Samsung etc. have been advertising their new range of display products based on LED technology. They are touted to be a generation ahead of the traditional LCD displays. Be it a HDTV or a new notebook, one option will usually be a higher priced LED display option.

But what is the real deal? What is this LED stuff all about? Well, first of all, if you do your homework on how an LCD display works, you'll see that it is actually a panel which produces the colors and pictures, backlit by a light source that produces the light. So display panel + light source = the image that you see.

Now, traditional LCD displays have been built using a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) as the light source. With the advancements in LED technology, LEDs which produced white light were commercially viable and the CFL was replaced with an LED cluster.

What are the advantages? Well, a LED has a longer life than a CFL - so longer life for your display. The LED light source is also environmentally friendly and a greener alternative, because it uses no Mercury.

The other advantage is that LEDs are more compact and produce less heat than a CFL, leading to slimmer and more compact displays.

Depending on the technology used by various manufacturers, a system called ߵLocal dimmingߴ can improve the picture quality over the traditional CFL based displays by achieving better contrast ratios.

Coming to color reproduction, the CFL used for backlighting the LCD produces white light, so do the first generation LED light sources. But the latest in LED backlighting technologies use colored backlighting. Take for example Sonyߴs TRILUMINOS� 3-color LED backlighting system, which is already integrated into some of its flagship BRAVIA models. The system uses a 3-color LED backlighting technology, with clusters of red, green and blue LEDs to produce crisp and life-like colors and images.

Over a period of time, the CFL backlighting source does undergo some degradation and starts having a yellowish tinge to its light output. This will lead to the displayed images showing some color differences when compared to the input original. i.e. the display is not true to the input source. LED lights have negligible if any degradation over time, this means that your display will be true to the input source till almost the end of its life. This is specially important for professional users.

With LED technology advancing at a furious pace, LED backlit TVs seem to be the way of the future over the traditional LCD TVs.

Sun, 10 May 2009 08:50:11 +0000

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